12 January 2014

forsooth and thuslywise

[static] i am a bit under the gun [static][static][static] this hotel charges extra for inroom internet access but allows free wireless access in the lobby [static] sounds adequate right [static][static] yeah well the lobby access starts a timeclock counting down from 30 [static]inutes [static] i am fairly certain i can renew [static]ime after 30 minutes pass but heres [static] the thing [static] why have timeclock counting down like that [static][static] and while im at it why not ha[static] internet access in the guest rooms [static] and while im at it why not [static] have more than one piece of soap [static][static] am i meant to schlep [static] soap piece from [static] sink to shower and backwise thusly [static][static] FORSOOTH [static] i would like to show [static] some pictures fro[static]ip, but in addition t[static] being costly and needy, [static]ternet access is wonky [static]nd turning to 4g is no better [static][static] now i understa[static] why [static]is city [static]ever sleeps [static] everyo[static] futzing with [static]ternet and mobile access all night [static][static] phone has go[static] to 17 perce[static]ttery from 30 in two [static]inutes [static][static] wow [static][static] [static]eel [static]yself losing all ho[static] [static]AM [static]OW LESS THAN 5 MINUTES [static]NTERNET TIMER [static][static][static]ELVE PERCENT POWER ON [static]ONE [static][static] DON[static]INK [static] IS GOING TO [static]APPEN TONI[static] [static] [static] SAVE [static]URSELVES [static][static][static]AVE YOURSE[static][static][static][static][static]

thuslywise endeth the transmission.

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