many of my photos are stored on microsoft's onedrive platform -- samsung used to have a backup platform of its own, but sold out to microsoft some years back.
wait. back up a bit.
before the Great Samsung Sellout, the place i work (i'd like to be more concise, but: my company? i don't own it. my work? it's not only mine. my office? we're virtual, so...) had shifted to a complete microsoft immersion experience called 365 which comes with storage called onedrive. kind of like dropbox or google drive - but integrated with outlook, word, excel, et alia.
so, i had a work onedrive account when samsung migrated their backup to the platform as well.
one for work. one for personal. microsoft don't care.
i think MS's brain is just too small to understand that one person could want two touchpoints because they merged me. the only thing i can figure is that their wormy software noticed the two accounts when i logged in from my phone, and decided to "help" me by merging them.
who has ever experienced "help" from a tech company as authentic help? if you, please provide your story in the comments.
the outcome of this mergation is that i receive "your memories from this day" emails to my work account. it's fi-i-i-i-ine. whatevs. but still annoys the hell outta me because come on, microsoft, do better!
also, i have to log in to my account constantly. follow a link from a coworker's email? login. open a cloud file in excel? login. view my memories from this day? login.
i hear you - you think i have to log in so much because i am logging into a personal account and a work account. GREAT THINKIN BUT NO. it's the same account - same username (my work email) and same pw for both.
okay, sure. something is twisted up somewhere. at some level, the two accounts are different - but not any level visible to the human eye.
i tie this invisibility to microsoft's (and all tech companies these days it seems) blind adherence to privacy rules. they are so darn determined to layer on privacy that they end up hiding me from myself.
this note is at the bottom of each "memories from this day" email.
No human saw your photos, and no additional storage was used when this collection was created.
firstly, why is there no "." at the end of the first sentence? or, perhaps a ":" as in - here is what we have to say about your privacy mattering.
secondly, that's a weirdly phrased disclaimer. really can't quite figure out why, but it strikes me as both funny haha and funny odd.
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