08 January 2024

it's a pro nation

monday, march 2, 2020, a tornado hit nashville and put out the power to the building where i worked alongside a few hundred colleagues. we were sent home due to the lack of power, and welcomed back to the building on the following monday, march 9. 

friday, march 13, we were sent home again - they said for two weeks. that two weeks extended and extended, and a year later the building was on the market. it sold within a few months and just like that, we are a virtual company.

oh, not "just" like that. we cut more than half the staff in an all-out effort to survive one of the hardest hits our niche market will likely ever take. we are still hanging in there, nearly four years later. there hasn't been another devastating blow, nor has there been a magnificent breakthrough. 

we are here, we are here, as cindy lou who said.

anywho. (LOL)

the point isn't the beleaguered business where i work. the point is: sockfeet.

i haven't worn shoes to work in nearly four years. i do put on "work clothes" and i do come into my office and i do do (LOL) work things for like 6 hours per day. (8 hour work days are a myth. without the gabbering around the coffee pot and incessant "how was your weekend" drop by convos, one can get an amazing amount of work done in a lesser time.)

but i digress. again.

i haven't worn shoes to work in nearly four years. just my sockfeet on a fatigue pad at my standing desk.

on a hike recently, my companion had taken the rear guard and pointed out with all the tact you'd expect, "you're pronating pretty bad."

i knew i was pronating some, more than in my younger days, but i didn't realize it was point-out-able. "yeah, it's pretty bad."

first, i blamed my heel lift - it's probably slipped and pushing my foot to the inside. however, that was not the case. next, i blamed standing around barefoot for umpty number of months. hmm.

so i dug out my birks and have been standing around in these for a few days. i can't use the fatigue pad with them because then i'd be out of kilter with my custom made and actually not quite tall enough standing desk. (why didn't i measure my keyboard height with shoes on?! oh yeah, i wasn't wearing any.)

i chose the birks because of their arch support but now my back hurts. these shoes appear to be made for walking, not standing around typing and zooming.

so...what do you think? does standing around barefoot exacerbate pronation? will birks help slow the decline - or even miraculously fix it? would another shoe be better - or go back to no shoes at all?

i welcome your input.


  1. Well, Waffs, I don't know much about pronation, but your hiking companion should have been rudely and abruptly corrected with, "You're pronating pretty badLY!" followed by a small, but discernible, huff of pompous superiority.

  2. //regretful sigh// and just like that, i missed another opportunity to reach my lifelong goal of being more tonaylike.
