28 March 2021

the mullet of jabbings, as it were

i went for my second pfizer vax jab today. there were a lot fewer people going thru the process than were there when i got my first. i mean, it was steady, but no waiting in a line at any point. and the atmosphere was a bit subdued, not the party feel of the first jab. i don't know what upped attendance last time - maybe people were getting firsts and seconds then and only seconds today, or maybe people aren't coming back for the second. at any rate, smaller crowd, more subdued atmosphere and frankly a bit of a letdown. felt like i had been sucked in with the celebration up front, and now it was all business on the back end. the mullet of jabbings, as it were. 

but two jabs are better than one and i am certainly glad i have done it. looking forward to more freedom to go more places, do more things. 

right now, i don't feel tops. lethargic, slight headache, sore arm, shoulder, neck, and scratchy throat, stuffy nose. the lethargy is the worst because it's not just fatigue - it's being tired and being in the mood to do nothing at all. it's one thing to be tired, but this is an altered mood. blaaaaah.

so, just a warning to y'all who haven't gotten all your jabs yet -- bring your best good mood to jab number two!

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