25 July 2018

onde está minha mala???

my pimsleur portuguese tutor is teaching me about lost luggage.

today i was in an all-day meeting in a conference room in my office building. it wasn't my meeting -- was actually led by people from another organisation. i didn't have responsibility to prepare any content, just basically had to show up and bring my brain. it involved people from other places around the country, plus one guy from the UK and one from india.

the location in my building isn't one i frequent, which meant i was using unfamiliar restrooms, and i will say that one of the two such facilities smelled strange. not strange like gross, strange like strange. like it was in another office building. like i was in another office building.

it was a touch surreal and a tidge freeing... as if i were not only in a different place, but as if i were also a different person.

maybe even a person who speaks portuguese.

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