12 September 2016

bourne popularity

flipping through the channels last night, we caught "bourne ultimatum". watching it, i realised why those bourne movies are so popular. i mean, duh, they are well-written, but it's basically the same story over and over again. what's so special about it? here's my theory: it's got something for the guys and something for the girls.

like this:

something for the guys - things blow up
something for the girls - matt damon

something for the guys - fancy cars
something for the girls - office supplies

something for the guys - julia stiles
something for the girls - julia stiles

something for the guys - fist fights
something for the girls - fashion

something for the guys - guy expertly assembles firearm
something for the girls - girl expertly cuts & dyes own hair

something for the guys - motorcycle chases
something for the girls - exotic locations

guys like fast cars, explosions, and blood. girls like self-chopped hair and manila folders filled with crispy redacted pages. everyone loves julia stiles.

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