03 March 2015

dirty little snow lump

i was gonna take you a picture, but i didn't want to get out of the car. picture of what? snowpiles! there are still piles of snow around! dirty, sure, i'll give you that. small, mangled, pushed into the corner. but still - it's snow and it's there. rural legend is that if snow sticks around more than 3 days, it's waiting on more snow. i suppose that we shall see... it's supposed to snow tomorrow night. maybe it will and maybe there will be more piles of snow. clean snow!

it's snowed around here quite a bit this year. snow and ice. lots of snow and ice, freezing rain, freezing fog, refreezing ice and snow. it's been so bad, my office closed two full days and a few partial days due to weather. you don't know my office, but that's highly unusual. highly. unusual.

i like winter. i like snow. i like clouds and grey and cold and drizzle. firstly, on pretty days there is all this pressure to go outside. in winder, you are SUPPOSED to stay inside. i like that.

but i also like getting outside on the cold drizzly days. i like being that crazy person who goes outside when the weather is terrible. that's one thing. another is that running in the heat can be so oppressive. the cold air weighs less.

all summer, when the sun is pressing the humidity down and the heat is weighing on me like a blazing million pounds, i am just hanging in there, just holding on like a malformed, dirty little lump of snow, waiting on the winter.

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