we're watching a rebroadcast of the daytona500 from 1979. weird, but the cars look like they are moving faster than the cars appeared to be moving in yesterday's 2015 500. i blame advances in cinematography. the cameras are so advanced, they can keep up with the 200mph cars - nary a blur nor obscure, better than the naked eye ever could. the advanced camera ability removes context, the relative motion that we experience when we see cars move in person. modern televised motion is sterile motion.
it's well-known that modern televised sex and modern televised violence are sterile. sure, we all know that. more subtly though, modern televised love and modern televised pain are muted, on cotton, deaf. is it the cinematography? could be. the colors are so bright, the lines so crisp. who can believe it? it's too real to be real.
live sports, i'd say cinematography plays a key role in the flattening of the landscape. scripted shows, well. it's not lack of plot or trite lines. nope - it's the opposite. blown out plots built of impossible twists and deus ex machinas. manufactured lines no one could ever think to say. where's the reality? don't tell me it's on the reality shows.
reality is in the context. there's no context for magical mystery plots. there's no context for out-of-your-mind wit. it's just all fluff and sugar.
it's all 200mph cars, looking like they are standing still.
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