so. robin williams hung himself with a belt in the bedroom #cluegame and the community at large is "shocked and saddened".
huh. shocked? really?
i was more shocked that my tooth cracked today while i was eating crackers. CRACKERS, for godsakes. it's both shocking and the best pun of the day.
now. i will admit i'd have been shocked if ol' robin had hung himself from the sycamore in the front yard, but hell. c'mon people. suicide in its own right is simply not shocking. suicide of a comedian is not only not shocking, it's par for the course. it's a 3 out of 5. it's so not shocking, it's borderline expected.
but still we will head into the hand wringing and head shaking. "WHY WHY WHY." again, c'mon people. how can anyone be surprised anymore that manically cheerful people are covering up a soul whose terrain has been plowed with salt? i mean, really. tears of a clown and whatnot.
humour is a self-defense mechanism which keeps people at a distance from the safely guarded inner self because if anyone saw the inner self, they'd reject the person altogether.
sure, that's one theory.
personally, though, i use humour as a self-defense mechanism to keep people at a distance from the safely guarded inner self because if anyone saw the inner self, they'd adore me all the more and be consumed with an insatiable need to be near me.
and, i just can't have that.
but i digress.
robin williams hung himself with a belt in the bedroom #cluegame and the community at large is "shocked and saddened".
saddened, huh?
i find myself saddened at the darwin awards. you know those stupid people who pull coca-cola machines over on themselves and whatnot? i am sad for those poor stupid people who didn't see death coming. i am sad for the people driving down the interstate just in everyday mode, heading to work or a picnic or a funeral #ironic, who are killed by a semi driver who fell asleep. i am sad for the fisherman who falls in the water and drowns. i am sad for winnebago owners who go to sleep with the space heater on and wake up to find themselves dead of carbon monoxide poisoning.
not seeing death coming, that's sad. setting about to cause your own death isn't sad so much as selfish.
but, still. if you were someone who knew robin personally, you were married to him, you had worked with him, you met him frequently for a coffee and suchwise, well then i can see how you'd be sad to suddenly no longer have that. but the rest of us "knew" him through his movie roles, so our relationship with him is not diminished one iota. how can that be something that saddens anyone?
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