didn't the olympics used to be a big deal?
i haven't watched a single event. i've heard about stuck snowflakes and busted bathrooms and wacky water, but nothing about skating or skiing or even curling. maybe it's just me, but nary a peep of actual athletic coverage have i heard.
didn't the olympics used to be a big deal?
i suppose it's all being broadcast because i've seen clips of bob costas soldiering through the worst case of pink eye ever seen on tv. good god. have you seen it? either he got a bad batch of botox needles or he rinsed his face in the urine that's coming out of sochi's faucets. he looks terrible, but he's still on because no other anchor is willing to get within 100 miles of the Land of Poison Water.
didn't the olympics used to be a big deal?
who are the stars of sochi? who are the underdogs? which are the must-see events? what are the venues like? how many medals do we have? what's the gossip?
i know there are a lot of other sports to watch and a lot of other shows to watch and a lot of other things simply happening in the world. i know there are a million channels and the olympics are on a mere wee few. i know all that, but even so, something fundamental is different.
didn't the olympics used to be a big deal?
i watch the local morning news and i watch national late-night shows. both of these used to be bastions of olympic promotion. (promotion of olympic proportions, if you will.) the morning news would daily report the medal count and run through a recap of yesterday's highlights and a listing of today's events. the late-night shows would reveal the personalities, the stars, through stories and jokes and even having the athletes on (before the games began). i've seen none of that, and very little of anything else other than bob costas bleerily downing vodka shots ON TV.
i am pretty sure the olympics used to be a big deal.
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