believe me, i read other blogs. i see the funny stuff and the deep stuff, the recipes and the book reviews, the amusing anecdotes and running logs and political essays. i know what's going on out there, and i am perfectly aware how all this time spent watching everyone else do what they do contributes to my periodic blog nuking. (what tripe! blow it up!) i know this because my being a watcher is not confined to my bloglife. i am a watcher because i am a watcher. observing and comparing are so ingrained in me that it's not possibly not genetic. the productive side of O&C is a competitive nature that drives me to success. the negative side is, you know, blog nuking and suchlike.
that being said, it was time to nuke this place. (i mean, of course, "nuke". please see sidebar for links to old content.)
now. at the risk of taking myself too seriously, i am laying down some principles this time. not rules or fences or anything binding - just some principles to help me remember that writing is a part of who i am and it's okay to write how i write and it's okay to share no matter how i think it turns out.
1. quixotically quotidian. at the risk of taking myself too seriously AGAIN ALREADY, i came up with this little slogan to define what i would like to try to be doing here. someone once called my blog "quotidian" and i was quite insulted (WHAT THE HELL, PRETENTIOUS BLOG SNOB?!) because i associate "quotidian" with dull plodding, but all it really means is the nuts & bolts of daily life, and after much ponderous pondering, i have decided to embrace the quotidian -- WITH A TWIST. that's where "quixotic" comes in. i don't want to be a dope or go all pollyanna, but i do want to explore the everyday with eye towards the universal. everyday plus. everyday for everyone. i want to delve into our blazing individual uniquenesses and reveal how they make us all the same in the end. quixotically quotidian.
2. serendipitously serene. i won't be nailed down to a genre or a subject matter. i won't only write about one aspect of my life and i won't only write in one format. there'll still be poetry. there'll still be movie reviews. the only thing you can be sure of here is not being sure of what'll be here. or, for that matter, when it'll be here. i'm going to try and post at least once per week, but when i put too much pressure on myself, i emit empty air like a leaky balloon. i don't want to produce mere filler. "serene" is sort of just there for the alliteration... but it's also about how peace comes in unexpected ways and represents my attempting to encompass the whole "you never know until you try" thing. serendipitously serene.
3. diligently discoverable. every other blog in the world gets comments. why don't i get comments? the only logical explanation is that no one reads my blog. okay, maybe you're reading and not finding things commentable, but that's what #1 (#1 -- hee hee) is supposed to remedy. how to fix that i am who'ing up a storm and no one is out there horton'ing in return? @acePeriwinkle to the rescue. i'll be tweeting new posts and if something's worthy, i hope you'll retweet. diligently discoverable.
...and away we go!
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