22 October 2021

books 2021

audio books
bury your dead - louise penny
the brutal telling - louise penny
a rule against murder - louise penny
the cruelest month - louise penny
fatal grace - louise penny
the weed that strings the hangman's bag - alan bradley
thrice the brinded cat hath mewed - alan bradley
still life - louise penny
the stationery shop - marian kamali
the madness of crowds - louise penny
rooster bar - john grisham
all the devils are here - louise penny
code girls (young readers edition) - liza mundy
harry potter and the chamber of secrets - jk rowling
harry potter and the goblet of fire - jk rowling
harry potter and the half blood prince - jk rowling
harry potter and the order of the phoenix - jk rowling
paper books
the stationery shop - marian kamali
while justice sleeps - stacey abrams
red cross lifeguard manu 2017 edition
the war that saved my life - kimberley bradley
the last story of mina lee - nancy jooyoun kim
the midnight library - matt haig
the family upstairs - lisa jewel
the exiles - chritina baker kline
a breath of snow and ashes - diana gabaldon

03 October 2021

rhetorical question

it's just a rhetorical question,
that's what i chose to believe.
when she asked that thing 
at the place 
with the people 
where the packages all were recieved. 

it's a ridiculous question, 
i decided soon after that. 
when she asked that thing 
at the place 
with the people 
where it rained and i let in the cat. 

it's an unreasonable question,
i realized then, in a mo. 
when she asked that thing 
at the place 
with the people 
where nobody wanted to go. 

it's just a rhetorical question,
i made up my mind in the end. 
cause asking that thing 
at that place 
with those people
begged what came next, even then.