25 August 2016
the rain would fall
birds who sang in summertime would all have sailed away.
she would put the kettle on to boil a steaming kettle song.
he would find in leningrad that day,
the letter that she left though there was nothing left to say.
hope so terrible would start to bud like roses in his heart.
she would fly from leningrad that day.
like a bird of summertime, she would sail away.
trust so delicate would start to dry and crumble in her heart.
the life between a woman and a man
is built on little secrets no one else would understand.
even if you're right there in the middle of the weave,
you still would not expect the threads to leave.
rain would fall in leningrad that day.
birds who sang in summertime would all have sailed away.
she would put the kettle on to boil a steaming kettle song.
11 August 2016
clean genius
okay, i'll come clean. i'm a genius. i mean literally, i have a genius IQ. but what you find as you move through life is that there are many kinds of intelligence, and not all of them can be measured with an aptitude for analogies... like... street smarts, emotional intelligence, business acumen.
but, we were talking about me, right?
my gift is solving puzzles. i can quickly click through options, find solutions, weigh those solutions, and choose one that seems the best fit. i don't like being wrong but at the same time, it doesn't kill me. i'll just reevaluate and try again.
i have a good memory, too, but not spectacular. the way i remember things is by likening them to other things, tying stuff together and tethering it with something heavy. but stuff comes untied all the time and that's a problem. so, being the solver i am, i solve that problem. in school i would use memory tricks like mnemonics but generally what i do now is find a heavier tether, i.e. write that shit down. i am quite the master note taker, and since life is an open book test, i am all set. (at least for the puzzle solving and light memory skills.)